Its a BOY !


Ian Gray Camp

Thursday May 10, 2007 @ 1:38 p.m.
A brief chronology of the experience

Tuesday May 8 & Wednesday May 9:

Veronica had a tough time sleeping – Ian was in the finals for the world kickboxing championship. I stayed home with her Wednesday, taking Miranda to daycare and returning so that we both could rest a bit. Because her back was hurting her pretty badly from the night, I drove Vero to an 11:00 appointment with the OB-Gyn. The doctor did the usual checkup – then got a somewhat odd look on her face. She asked if we had seen a doctor the day that Miranda had been born.  We replied that we had, and that Veronica was 2 cm. dilated at that time. The doctor, without flinching much, said that Veronica was currently 5 cm. dilated. She further advised us that since we knew what signs to look for, and knowing that Miranda came very fast – we would need to get to the hospital as soon as contractions started. Although somewhat startled, (ok, A LOT - the scheduled due date was May 31 !), we went on about domestic stuff, some light shopping etc. We called my mom and dad and told them they may want to go ahead and pack an overnight bag; they would need it at some point anyway. At 10:00 p.m. I went to bed – and at 10:15 Veronica asked if I had a stopwatch – to time the contractions – oh boy. We called my parents and told them to come on down.

Thursday May 10:
  Once my parents were here, about 1:30 a.m. Thursday morning, we called the doctor; she said to go ahead into the hospital to get checked out, again because Miranda had been so fast. Veronica was still 5 cm. dilated but the contractions were growing in strength and duration, so at 3:30 a.m. she was admitted. At 5 a.m. they administered an IV drip in preparation for the epidural. At 6:30 a.m. the anesthesiologist gave her the epidural. At 9:00 a.m. our OB-Gyn visited – she informed us that we would, by the end of the day, have a son. She broke Veronica’s water and started a very light IV drip of petosin. The epidural took effect pretty quick, and although Veronica could feel the contractions, they were not terribly painful (although Dad was somewhat delirious by now). The doctor came by again at 1:00 p.m. She said she needed about 10 minutes to prep, but when she came back, we would have a baby. At 1:25 she returned – Veronica had about 4 sets of pushes and Ian Gray Camp had arrived. By the way, May 10th is Mother’s day in Mexico. Veronica could not have asked for a better present. (Coincidentally, Ian's sister was born on Father’s day 2 years ago).
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